Los dos pronombres recíprocos en inglés son each other y one another. En la gramática más tradicional, each other se utiliza para identificar sólo a dos personas en una acción mutua, mientras que one another describe a más de dos personas.
Sin embargo, debemos recalcar que en el inglés moderno esta "regla" es menos comúnmente aplicada pudiendo utilizarse each other y one another indistintamente.
- The team sat looking fixedly at one another / each other.
- John and I telephone each other / one another on Christmas day.
Each other
- John and Mark dislike each other.
- We love each other and sometimes hate each other.
- Jenny and Amanda loathe each other.
- Good friends always help each other.
- Philip and Jane talk to each other.
- They all shook hands with one another.
- All of them sat facing one another.
- We respect one another’s privacy.
- They stood looking into one another's eyes
- The team sat looking fixedly at one another/at each other (las dos expresiones son válidas en este caso).
We must each listen carefully to what the other says.
(Incorrect We must listen carefully to what each other say).