Verb to have | El verbo to have

To have es un verbo irregular. Se utiliza como verbo auxiliar y también como verbo ordinario.
Tiene tres formas básicas a tener en cuenta:

  • Infinitive: to have
  • Simple past: had
  • Past participle: had
Otros formatos del tiempo presente que conviene recordar:

Verb TO HAVE in present tense
I have
I have not
Have I?
you have
You have not
Have you?
He has
He has not
Has he?
She has
She has not
Has she?
It has
It has not
Has it?
We have
We have not
Have we?
You have
You have not
Have you?
They have
They have not
Have they?

Verb TO HAVE contracted forms
Long form
Short form
Long form
Short form
I have
I have not
I haven’t
I’ve not
you have
You have not
You haven’t
You’ve not
He has
He has not
He hasn’t
He’s not
She has
She has not
She hasn’t
She’s not
It is
It is not
It hasn’t
It’s not
We have
We have not
You haven’t
You’ve not
You have
You have not
You haven’t
You’ve not
They are
They are not
They haven’t
They’ve not

Have got
I have a sister
I have not a sister
I haven’t a sister
I have got a sister
I have not go a sister
I haven’t got a sister
you have a friend
I have not a friend
You haven’t a friend
You have got a  friend
You have not got a friend
You haven’t got a friend
He has a mobile
He has not a mobile
He hasn’t a mobile
He has got a mobile
He has not got a mobile
He hasn’t got a mobile
She has a sister
She has not a sister
She hasn’t a sister
She has got a sister
She has not got a sister
She hasn’t got a sister
It has a radio
I has not a radio
It hasn’t a radio
It has got a radio
It has not got a radio
It hasn't’ got a radio
We have a sister
We have not a sister
We haven’t a sister
We have got a sister
We have not got a sister
We haven’t got a sister
You have a car
You have not a car
You haven’t a car
You have got a car
You have not got a car
You haven’t got a car
They have a house
They have not a house
They haven’t a house
They have got a house
They have not got a house
They haven’t got a house
Nota: con respecto a las "contracciones" de los verbos to be y to have, es muy común utilizar la contracción con este verbo, ej.: haven't and lugar de have not (que se ve más en la forma escrita); del mismo modo, con respecto al verbo to be, también se utilizan más las contracciones de dicho verbo en la forma coloquial.

To have
Como verbo ordinario tiene utilidad indicativa, como la posesión de objetos, individual, colectiva, características, relaciones, etc.
  • She has a job in the USA.
  • They have a football team.
  • My wife has a beautiful face.
  • You have a unique talent.

Have / have got
"Have got" significa lo mismo que "have" en la mayoría de los casos. También se puede usar para indicar posesión de objetos e ideas similares.

  • John has got a blue suit.
  • You have two messages.
  • I have got money in the bank.
To have como verbo auxiliar
Se utiliza en la formación de distintos tiempos: present perfect, past perfect, future perfect así como las formas perfectas del continuous e incluso del conditional perfect, etc. Recuerde que el verbo to have cambiará su forma dependiendo del número, el sujeto y el tiempo del verbo. Para cerciorarse vea la conjugación completa en el siguiente enlace.

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