Short forms or contracted forms in English | Formas cortas o contracciones en inglés

La contracción en los verbos; es decir, las formas cortas son muy utilizadas en el lenguaje hablado, si bien se evita en los escritos muy formales.
I am ⇨ I'm;  did not ⇨ didn't; cannot ⇨ can't; should not ⇨ shouldn't, etc. (observe que se utiliza un apóstrofo para las letras que faltan. Ejemplos:

Who - short forms / contracciones
➤ who is ⇨  who's
➤ who would ⇨  who'd
➤ who will ⇨  who'll

What - short forms / contracciones
➤ what is ⇨ what's
➤ what will ⇨  what'll

How - short forms / contracciones
➤ how is ⇨  how's

Where - short forms / contracciones
➤ where is ⇨ where's 

When - short forms / contracciones
➤ when is ⇨ when's

Here - short forms /contracciones
➤ here is ⇨ here's

There - short forms / contracciones
➤ there is ⇨ there's
➤ there would ⇨ there'd
➤ there will ⇨ there'll

That - short forms / contracciones
➤ that is ⇨ that's
➤ that would ⇨ that'd (esta contracción es del inglés contemporáneo)
➤ that had ⇨ that'd    (esta contracción es del inglés contemporáneo)

Let us - short forms / contracciones
➤ Let us decide ⇨ Let's decide
➤ Let us go ⇨ Let's go

Would - short forms / contracciones
  • I’d ⇨  I would / I had
  • You’d ⇨  you would / you had
  • He’d ⇨  he would / he had
  • She’d ⇨ she would / she had
  • It’d ⇨ it would / it had
  • We’d ⇨ we would / we had
  • They’d ⇨ they would / they had

To go - short forms / contracciones 
  • He is going ⇨ he's going
  • He has gone ⇨ he's gone
  • It is getting late ⇨ it's getting late
  • It has got blue ray ⇨ it's got blue ray
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