Verbal tenses in English: Modal Perfect | Tiempos verbales en inglés: Modal Perfect

Los verbos modales son de uso cotidiano en lengua inglesa; por ello, conviene conocer su funcionamiento. Por lo general, este tipo de oraciones se utilizan para expresar situaciones de posibilidad, especulación o probabilidad. Normalmente, se emplean en el siguiente formato: 
modal verb + to have + participio pasado de un verbo: 
I must have goneverbo modal➙ must + ➙ have + participio pasado➙ gone (to go).


➤ El modal perfect se puede formar con must have, may have, might have, could have, can't have (cannot have), would have, should have, ought to have
➤  Por el contrario conviene recordar que will es un verbo modal que no se puede utilizar en el sentido de "modal perfect", pues se emplea para formar el future perfect: I will have worked (Yo habré trabajado).
  • Lucy may have had to take the late flight. 
  • She must have been in class at that time.
  • He could have won the game in the previous match.
  • You could have telephoned us before the event was cancelled.
  • They think it might have worked, if you had a different attitude.
  • He should have called us before taking a decision. 
  • She can't have been so busy to miss the afternoon class.
  • I should have thought it about, now everything is lost.
Observe the following examples:

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